About CJ

“May I continually be of conscious service, radiating unconditional love, joy and gratitude to all beings, including the earth”.

What fun can we create in Southwest Colorado?

EMAIL:  weipcj@gmail.com

CELL: 715-966-9400


Yoga 500 RYT; Instructs Pound and Zumba, plus AFAA Certified Group Instructor; Reflexologist; Thai Yoga Bodywork; Holy Fire Reiki with drum wash; Access Bars; Root to Crown Tantric Breath sessions; healing consultation.

Coordinates Events: Mind Body Spirit Fairs, Women’s Warrior Retreats, Women’s Sacred Circles; Reiki Shares, Goddess Gatherings, Spa Parties, Kids parties, plus more.

Will  travel to  your  location.

Wow, how easy would that be?    

What else is possible?

What inspires you and brings you joy?